Group from influencers
03/02/2014 – in GoldMine, SQL queriesIf you have an opportunity, or a project, with a number of contacts attached, then it’s sometimes useful to be able to send an email, or to schedule activities, to all of them at once.
You can’t do this directly from the opportunity or project screen, and so you need to add everyone into a group.
But, at first glance, there’s no easy way of doing this. Rest assured though that there is, and it involves a simple SQL query that you run from within GoldMine:
For opportunities:
select bod.accountno, from opmgr as op, opmgr as bod
where op.rectype='o' and bod.rectype='oc' and
op.opid=bod.opid and ='your oppty'
For projects:
select bod.accountno, from opmgr as op, opmgr as bod
where op.rectype='p' and bod.rectype='pc' and
op.opid=bod.opid and ='your project'
The script will return a list of the linked contacts. All you then have to do is go to the groups tab and build a group based on ‘SQL Query records’.