Details Plus and GMPE 8.5
21/10/2009 – in Add-OnsNotice from Solica (authors of Details Plus) for users of GoldMine PE 8.5:
When Details Plus first came out about 8 years ago, one of the unique features was that it gave access to four additional normal fields as well as one extra notes field. The extra fields are for the DEAR, MERGECODES, FAX and ADDRESS3 fields. These fields had full lookups and behaved like any other field.
With GoldMine 8.5 FrontRange made these fields available in GoldMine itself (hooray!) so you can now edit them and see them in extended details tabs.
However one problem has just come to light. Each field in GoldMine has a lookup and an associated lookup key. The lookup keys for the various Details fields are all linked and follow a sequence. When we added the extra fields way back in 2001 we extrapolated lookup keys to derive those for the above new fields. However in the last day we have just discovered that in the GoldMine 8.5 developers extrapolated these keys in a different way (though we did suggest they used our convention!) This has two implications:
For the above 4 fields you may have different lookups in GoldMine and Details Plus
Also the Details Plus ADDRESS3 field look will appear in the GoldMine DEAR field lookup.
As most users edit detail data either in Details Plus or in GoldMine you may not notice this at all – it is only if you edit them both in GoldMine and Details Plus that you will have an issue.
We’ve now made Details Plus 2 release 3.1.7 available on our web site which includes the ability to use the new GoldMine lookup keys for these extra fields and to amend old lookups. Note that we have not yet doen this for Details Plus 1 but expect to do that in the next 3 weeks
There is full Help in Details Plus on this but the summary from the release notes are:
For new installations on GoldMine 8.5 and later
Immediately after installation run Details Plus as a master user. You will be prompted to do a check for lookups. Run this check. It will not find any problems but will store a value in a special location in the Lookup table to prevent checks needing to be run again.
For upgrading installations on GoldMine 8.5
This applies if you previously used versions before 3.1.7 on GoldMine 8.5.
In GoldMine 8.5 GoldMine added the ability to see the DEAR, FAX, MERGECODES and ADDRESS3 in GoldMine detail records, a facility which Details Plus has had since it was first released. Unfortunately the conventions used for the ‘lookup keys’ in GoldMine for these fields were different to those used by Details Plus. This means that lookups for these fields in GoldMine and those in Details Plus have different keys so are not shared. Also the keys for DEAR and ADDRESS3 are effectively swopped in Details Plus and GoldMine.
From Details Plus 3.1.7 we’ve provided a built in utility for Details Plus to use these new keys and to convert old lookups to new ones. We strongly recommend that this is run once on all installations. It should be run as follows: